I want to help you stop the react/guilt cycle and get you feeling like the solid parent that I know you are, while increasing cooperation and decreasing power struggles.   

Parenting little ones is tough!

The out-of-nowhere, explosive tantrums, hitting, biting, screaming, and relentless whining (and that's just getting started) can really catch you off-guard, at just the moment when you least expect it.

Parenting toddlers and preschoolers can be so confusing, frustrating (I'm talking rage-inducing!), and downright discouraging. But, it doesn't have to be that way . . .

Much like a tree whose roots are deeply rooted in and connected to the earth, as a deeply rooted parent you are solid and unwavering in the face of your child’s behavior. As a deeply rooted parent you are firm and confident in your approach and you provide your child a safe container to hold their reactions with compassion while setting clear limits and boundaries for your child without losing yourself.

At The Deeply Rooted Parent, I use skillful coaching to identify root causes, empower you to discover and trust your instincts, and free you from the frustration of reactive parenting cycles, so that you can parent with strength and that solid, unwavering confidence that your child needs.

I can't wait to see you grow in strength and confidence and to see the dynamic between you and your child shift into one of playfulness, connection, and ease.

Learn to Trust Your Parenting Instincts

No one knows your child better than you do. When you parent from your heart, it just feels right. You just know it in your bones. Parenting from this place feels good and right! I will help you to recognize and trust that instinct so you don't have to question yourself with every parenting challenge.

Free Yourself from Guilt and Shame

Parenting can be challenging, but guilt and shame don't have to be a part of the journey. By learning to embrace your mistakes as opportunities to learn, I will help you release these burdens, so that you can feel good about your interactions with your child.

Have the Tools to Parent with Confidence and Ease

When you learn to trust yourself and release yourself from shame-based parenting, you will grow in confidence. With my guidance, you’ll have the tools to respond to your child's worst behaviors will become easier and easier.

Parenting your little one does not and should not have to be this hard.

Stop overreacting, put your parental rage in check, and start responding calmly in the face of tantrums and other parenting triggers in a way that brings warmth and connection. Learn to build a relationship with your child that brings you pleasure and satisfaction.

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