4 Steps to Recovering When You’ve Lost It With Your Child

One of the most guilt-inducing situations as a parent is losing it with your child.  You’ve been there, I’ve been there, we’ve all been there.  It’s easy to feel that you’ve done irreparable damage.  But what if your mistake could lead you to connect on a deeper level with your child? Let’s take a look at how that might look.

Let’s paint a picture of a common scenario…

It’s Monday morning and Dan has a big work week ahead of him.  He has lots on his mind and is feeling the pressure of what’s to come.  While he is in a rush to get out the door and into the car to get his daughter, Lilly, to school, she has different plans.  As they are almost out the door, Lilly spots a hole in the dirt and is obsessed with dropping leaves, sticks, and whatever she can find down into the hole.  She drops her backpack, sits down on the ground, and begins happily dropping objects into the hole with a huge smile on her face.  Dan is less than thrilled and with a huff, tells Lilly to “Get in the car!  It’s time to go!”.  Lilly pays no mind to this and happily continues to drop things into the hole.  That is it!  Dan has had it and reaches down to grab Lilly firmly by the arms, shakes her and yells, “I said it’s time to GO!  Get in the car, RIGHT NOW!  I’m SICK of waiting around for you!!!”  Lilly falls apart and cries while Dan heaves her into the car seat so that he can get going.

So you’ve lost it!  Now what?

Cool Down

Once you realize that you have, indeed, lost it, take the time to recollect yourself.  This looks different for each individual, depending on what truly calms you down.  One way is to find your breath and breathe deeply for a count of 10 breaths.  This literally calms your brain down, getting more oxygen to your brain to help reactivate the rational and relational side that you cut off  access to when you lost your temper.  They don’t say “You’ve lost it” for nothing.  You have truly lost the parts of your brain that you need to help your child.  Dan might need to walk around the car a few times while focusing on his breath.

Now it’s time for the Thee Rs of Recovery 


This is one of the toughest parts as a parent and one that is a real game-changer.  We have to admit that we were wrong.  What?  Admit that I was wrong?  Doesn’t that make me look weak and ineffective as a parent?  No, it actually makes you look human and relatable to your child.  When you recognize that you made a mistake, you are opening the door for connection.  You are modeling vulnerability and owning up to your shortcomings— an invaluable character trait that I think everyone desires in their children.  Remember to make it visual for those that need it.  For example, Dan might make a drawing of the car and Daddy with a big mad face to represent how he was impatient with Lilly when getting into the car.


Once you’ve opened that door by recognizing your fault, it’s now time to apologize.  Apologize to my own child?  Yes.  Again, you are modeling strength, kindness, and integrity by being vulnerable enough to admit your wrong-doing and seek their forgiveness.  Young children are very quick to forgive, especially when we approach them with an honest heart and desire to reconnect.  It may be helpful to point back to your drawing or visual while making eye contact with your child and creating a sad or sorry face so that they understand.  Using humor here can also be quite helpful showing that you have a good sense of humor about your mistakes.


Now it’s time to work together with your child to figure out what to do next to repair the situation.  Maybe you decide to go back to the car and do it again while practicing more patience.  Maybe you just sit together with your child in your lap, hugging them for a while before moving on.  Whatever you decide to do, make sure that reconnecting is your focus.  Once you reestablish that connection you can both move on to a better place.

These are not easy tasks.  Raising human beings is an incredibly daunting and difficult job, but sacred and wonderful at the same time.  I hope that you can see how promising it is that by being vulnerable and human with our children, even our mistakes are meaningful opportunities to teach them valuable skills and to foster a deeper connection.

Photo courtesy of Jessica Lucia via Creative Commons


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